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SubjectRe: howto disable auto route setup?
From said:
> Your argument appears to be that your assumptions are correct because
> you think it's right - even though others do not and can tell you why.
> Can we get back to a discussion of why the current behaviour is
> inherently "right" or not?

I believe that it's not right. There is no need for it - the excuses for it
have been "It shouldn't really cause a problem", without any good reason for
it being advanced. It _does_ cause problems, and it doesn't appear to be

Can anyone give a sensible reason for putting this in the kernel, other than
the dubious advantage of saving a few keystrokes for sysadmins who don't use
their distribution's init scripts to set up routes.

(Let's ignore for the moment the fact that Linus isn't likely to remove it
from 2.2 - the distributors may well do so, and it can be dropped from 2.3).

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