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SubjectRe: Bloat thread...
On Sun, Jan 31, 1999 at 05:29:02PM -0800, Miles Lane wrote:
> > Probably what would be a much better use of this bandwidth would be for
> > someone to volunteer idle cycles on their Whizzbang 1000 Intel box as
> > a compile server for the latest & greatest. It sure seems like this
> > would be useful and you could make a combination of config files and
> > built kernels & modules available for ftp. Somebody should talk to
> > about this.
> Developing a web front-end with the functionality of "make xconfig"
> would be a pretty trivial project. I would be great to have a webserver
> that would
> allow building custom kernels and archive the configurations that are
> built.

mm. I'm trying to do a front-end, and I can see one problem. The current
config scripts are meant to be interpreted rather than compiled. As of now,
all the constructs _can_ be compiled eg to create a web form. However, since the
linus tree is not guaranteed to maintain this behaviour, this might become
false in the future. I _don't_ want to use javascript etc to do the config
because if you can run netscape with java on ur machine, u can probably compile
a kernel anyway. Need a front end that can be accessed with lynx. Alternative
is to use telnet with shell=make config.

-- arvind

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