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SubjectRe: Bloat thread...
On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Miles Lane wrote:

> > would be useful and you could make a combination of config files and
> > built kernels & modules available for ftp. Somebody should talk to
> > about this.
> Developing a web front-end with the functionality of "make xconfig"
> would be a pretty trivial project. I would be great to have a webserver
> that would
> allow building custom kernels and archive the configurations that are
> built.
> Then, if a previously used configuration is selected via the web version
> of xconfig, that already built kernel gets served up with no delay.
> An e-mail notification of when new configurations are ready could be
> sent
> to the requestee. The kernel could be packaged as either a RPM, debian
> package or tar.bz2 file. I guess we'd also serve up the modules and
> files. It would be important to be able to deliver matched
> PCMCIA and sound driver modules, too.
> Of course, this would be a major hardware investment.
A really major one and I doubt that it would spread wide enough to become
really useful. GCC is really resource-hungry. But the alternative would be
to have one copy of the kernel for each architecture and, possibly,
sub-architectures compiled with everything possible as modules. The, given the
configuration, architecture, sub-architecture the server could provide the
user with a ready-to-go kernel binary. That way the compilation takes place
only once when the kernel is released. All the configurations can be stored
and served again when necessary.


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