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SubjectTCP hangs over PPP on kernel 2.2.1, ok on 2.0.36

All of this works fine on 2.0.36 with similar kernel config options.

I've installed kernel 2.2.1 and it boots just fine. My local network (on works great.

But TCP doesn't seem to function over the PPP interface. I can ping and
traceroute hosts all over the place without a problem but if I try to
telnet to a host the connection hangs after "Escape character is '^]'."
Ftp exhibits just about the same behavior. Netstat reports established
connections and ifconfig shows incoming and outgoing packets with no
errors. When telnet is killed, netstat shows a fin_wait1 like forever.
Since I can't get online properly I haven't been able to test incoming

My kernel is monolithic except for bsd_comp.o and ppp_deflate.o and syslog
shows that they're registering ok when the ppp connection is established.
I enabled very few "frills" like firewalling and masquerading and stuff
hoping that maybe that would solve the problem but alas...

All of my packages are >= the recommended version in
Documentation/Changes. Base system is Redhat 5.2 in a Cyrix 6x86MX200 or
something like that. USR external on ttyS1. eth0 is an ISA NE2k.

I know I must be leaving out some necessary info but can anyone give me
any clues as to what I'm doing wrong? Or at least tell me what more you
would need to know about my setup.


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