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Subjectunkillable procs, panics, and scsi emulation

I searched the archives, but didn't see exactly this problem.

Kernels 2.2.0 and 2.2.1
My main symptom is processes which cannot be killed when they use
a cdrom using scsi emulation. Sometimes i get at kernel panic when trying
to "shutdown -h now". Sometimes after the "Power down" I still get scsi errors
printed to the console. For a time, I got kernel panic when switching to a virtual
terminal after a process hung.
Usually, I can use the CDROMs without any problems, the problems occur only
every 5th or 10th use. I am using two differnt machines one with a CDRW and one
with a CDROM-- they both show the problem. I am suspicious that there may be some
interaction with KDE, not sure.
Some programs that hang are kscd( KDE cd player) , cdparanoia and cdrecord, and
cdeject. For instance, I can pile up as many "eject /dev/scd0" commands as I want and
none of them will exit or will honor "kill -9" . Once, kscd hung and the response
of the KDE desktop was extremely sluggish, although top showed no CPU load ! This time
I had to reboot and the Scsi errors kept coming even after "Power down".

If this is taken care of already, please ignore this. If you want more help tracking
it down, write and I will send hardware and software version numbers,
exact error messages, etc. I tried to find in the kernel docs who does scsi emulation,
but could not find it.
I wonder why no one else has reported this yet ? ....

Please CC me.
btw. I did not compile with multiple LUN detection.

John Lapeyre <>

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