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Subjectlinux-kernel slowness and rebouncer lists
I've noticed that has a linux-kernel list that is a mirror
of this one, with a measly 12 people subscribed.

As many people complain about the slowness of linux-kernel on vger, perhaps
it would be a good idea to set up as many local bouncer sites as possible,
so vger distributes list mail to these rebouncers, and the rebouncers
distribute it to subscribed members there.

If there are other rebouncers out there, can someone tell me where they are?
Perhaps we should make a list and add it to the FAQ?

No, I have no idea if rebouncer is a word. Somehow I doubt it. I made it
up. I suppose a better word would be "mirror". But that usually refers to
ftp and/or http.

-- Bob

Bob McElrath ( Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison

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