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SubjectHelp! Sound Card Problems!

Sorry for bother this list with a sound card problem but I have been
trying getting help anywhere and I got no success in solving my problem.
My problem is the same as this guy wroted below, except that my sound card
is a Sb 32 PnP.
After message, there's the output of cat /proc/pci. Well, I heard
something about VIA chipset and sound cards conflicts. I dont know if this
can be my case.

Oh, I have a Pentium 133 MHz, kernel 2.2.1. I use isapnp to initialize my
sound card. My motherboard is VXPRO.

P.S.: I tried to put an old Sb16 non-PnP with same configuration (IRQ 5,
DMA 1 and 5, 220, 330, 388) and it worked really fine.

Scott Olsson - scohop wrote:

> I have a soundblaster 16 plug and play card that has been giving me the
> fits. I've tried everything (well, almost... everything except what will
> eventually work...) to no avail. Below, I outlined how I've been going
> at this... if you have a similar card, please correct whatever ignorant
> greenie mistake I'm surely making/looking over... thanks!!
> I boot, isapnp loads and says it's configuring the card for dma's 1,5
> and irq5... then, I load the following modules as such...
> ----
> /sbin/insmod soundcore
> /sbin/insmod sound
> /sbin/insmod uart401
> /sbin/insmod sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
> /sbin/insmod opl3 io=0x388
> ---
> Below, I cat'd my /dev/sndstat for reference... I don't really
> understand how some of it applies, but I'm assuming something
> should be listed under "installed drivers"... (???)
> ----
> OSS/Free:3.8s2++-971130
> Load type: Driver loaded as a module
> Kernel: Linux 2.2.1 #13 Mon Feb 15 15:09:11 EST 1999 i686
> Config options: 0
> Installed drivers:
> Card config:
> Audio devices:
> 0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.13)
> Synth devices:
> 0: Yamaha OPL3
> Midi devices:
> 0: Sound Blaster 16
> Timers:
> 0: System clock
> Mixers:
> 0: Sound Blaster
> ----
> After the modules are all (??) loaded, I cat an au file to /dev/dsp or
> /dev/audio and it will play fine, but mp3's will not play
> through any of the players I have tried... (x11amp, freeamp, amp,
> xaudio, mpg123, newplayer)
> when I've tried with an mp3player like newplayer it complains about dma
> problems with the following error message...
> Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
> Is there a specific procedure or some other driver/module that needs to
> be configured and/or loaded before mp3's/wav's will play? Also, where
> (script, etc) can I add the modules to load them every boot?
> Any help will be very VERY... umm, helpful?
> scott olsson
> -- please email your response as welll... thanks again.
> --
> Scott Olsson - scohop

--------- /proc/pci ----------

PCI devices found:
Bus 0, device 0, function 0:
Host bridge: VIA Technologies VT 82C585 Apollo VP1/VPX (rev 35).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable.
Bus 0, device 7, function 0:
ISA bridge: VIA Technologies VT 82C586 Apollo ISA (rev 37).
Medium devsel. Master Capable. No bursts.
Bus 0, device 7, function 1:
IDE interface: VIA Technologies VT 82C586 Apollo IDE (rev 6).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable.
I/O at 0x6000 [0x6001].
Bus 0, device 10, function 0:
VGA compatible controller: NVidia/SGS Thomson Riva 128 (rev 16).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 11. Master Capable.
Latency=32. Min Gnt=3.Max Lat=1.
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe0000000 [0xe0000000].
Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe1000000 [0xe1000008].


Thank you very much,
Rodrigo Castro <>
Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo
Rudeness is a weak man's imitation of strength.

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