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SubjectRe: [PATCH] genhd.c, kernel 2.2.1
Hi Ernst Jan

>Aaargh! We just did the same thing today...

Subpartitions have been in MINIX since june 1995, I was told, funny
coincedence we decided to implement them into Linux on the same day, then...

>We do pretty much the same thing you do, but we moved the call to
>minix_partition() down, into a new for loop. That way, the minix minors
>will be allocated above any existing extended partition. Many people
>expect the partitions inside the extended partition to start at minor 5.

I see your point. However ...

>Personally, I think the BSD Disklabel, Solaris slices, and other foreign
>partition types should also be in this second for loop.

... as long as this is not the case, such would introduce an inconsistency
between the handling of MINIX subpartitions and the other types, which might
not be a good idea.

There is something to be said though, for logging in regular extended
partitions before (all of) the other types, it being somewhat of a "native
partition type". Input anyone?

>Our patch works well over here, too. I'll try yours tomorrow.

Thanks in advance. If you need me to review yours, I'll of course be glad

Regards, Rene

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