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SubjectBug (and fix?): send_redirects sysctl ignored
Apparently the send_redirects sysctl (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/send_redirects)
is ignored by the kernel code. There's a macro, IN_DEV_TX_REDIRECTS,
apparently designed to be tested by the relevant kernel code, but it's not
referenced anywhere.

(Its partner, IN_DEV_RX_REDIRECTS, is in fact referenced.)

My guess would be to solve this by adding:

/* Make sure redirects are enabled. */
if (!IN_DEV_TX_REDIRECTS(skb->dev->ip_ptr))

to ip_rt_send_redirect() in route.c, but this needs verification by someone
who knows what they're doing. For my own purposes I've just put a "return"
statement there to turn them off entirely.

(I need this to work around problems with a broken ISDN router.)

As a secondary issue, the Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt file has
apparently become out of date w.r.t. the current implementation. *shrug*


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