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SubjectRE: 2.2.1-ac5 oops with many fd
I've isolated the problem, and it's that kmalloc() is failing when too much
memory is allocated.
The only bug in the driver is that instead of failing gracefully, it
continued to dereference the
NULL pointer. I've fixed that, however...
it seems strange to me that kmalloc() is failing after only allocating about
8000 bytes total for
scatter gather DMA tables. Can anyone tell me if there is another function
I should be calling
to allocate this type of memory instead of kmalloc()? I tried scsi_malloc()
but just from glancing
over the code in scsi.c it seems to draw from the same area. Even a request
for 512 bytes
was failing when I tested it with scsi_malloc(). What are the limitations
on these functions?
Surely there must be somewhere where I can get more than 8k of DMAable

Jeff L Jones <>
RAID SW Dev., American Megatrends Inc.

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