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SubjectInterrupts not being raised.

I am writting a Linux module device driver form some PCI hardware
our company has made. The problem I am having concerns interrupt
handling. I install the interrupt handler with

iRetCode = request_irq
"our device",

and call


I have been able to confirm that our PCI card thinks that it is raising
an interrupt, but the interrupt routine never gets called. In addition,
checking /proc/interrupts shows

0: 169002 timer
1: 2 keyboard
2: 0 cascade
8: 1 + rtc
9: 56601 eth0
10: 6136 aic7xxx
11: 0 out device
12: 4 PS/2 Mouse
13: 1 math error
15: 0 + ide1

a count of 0 which has never changed. That is, the kernel never receives
an interrupt.

I have also replaced our PCI device with another to rule out the
dodgy component possibility and behaviour stays the same.

I have been using "Linux Device Drivers" by Alessandro Rubini and have
rechecked everything he says on Interrupt Handling and PCI devices, and
as fare as I can tell, when it comes to PCI this is all there is.

If anyone has any words of wisdom they could share, it would be appreciated.
Or is there a good example of handling interrupts on a PCI device somewhere
in the kernel?



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