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SubjectSealevel 4021 raw capture

I'm working on moving an application off of NT to Linux that reads a 64kbps
mpeg audio data stream off the 25 pin port of a Sealevel 4021 (shunted
for v.35), parses the data, and writes it to disk.

Ideally, I'd like to keep using the same hardware that the old system uses.

Unfortunatly, as best I can tell, the sealevel driver focuses on HDLC
and the use of the sealevel as a network device.

Four (cascading) questions:

Is there any current mechanisms in the driver for doing raw capture
from the device?

If not, how foolish an undertaking would it be for an experienced, but
kernel driver green, C programmer to do the right thing and hack
together a sealevel serial-ish driver that would allow for device
special file IO to the card ports?

If extremely foolish, does anyone know of a v.35 device that, on
linux, has the ability to do raw capture?

If none, how about an rs422 device that does so? (I can get an adaptor
for v.35 to rs422).

M. L. Welles

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