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SubjectPCI memory mapped I/O address
Hello ,
I am developing a network interface card driver whose command and status
register are memory mapped.
1) My problem is I am getting two different base memory addresses when read
with different functions..

When I use pci_find_slot() then the pci_dev shows
pdev->base_addr[0] =e9180000
pdev->base_addr[1] = 0
pdev->base_addr[2] = 0
pdev->base_addr[3] = 0
pdev->base_addr[4] = 0
pdev->base_addr[5] = 0
I can see these in /proc/pci also..

while pcibios_read_config_dword(..,BASE_ADDRESS_0,..) gives
BASE_ADDRESS_0 = e9ff0000

why is such difference ??
I am currently using the one got though pcibios_read_config_dword() as it is
working better than the other.

Also when my driver is doing some send and receive of packets then suddenly
sometimes all the register's contents go 0xFFFFFFFF this halts my
driver..This especially happens when I try to use Xwindows..
my machine hangs

3) I get "hda lost interrupt" error some times and the machine hangs.

I am stuck with these problems and waiting someone's HELP.
Thanks in advance.Would like to receive a prompt reply from you.

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