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SubjectRe: Unexecutable stack
>Let's put it this way. "They" must be leaving the cracked systems
>in good shape with no changes in any important files. So good for
>them. If a tree falls in the forest, and there is nobody there to
>hear it.....Let's put it this way. "They" must be leaving the cracked systems
>in good shape with no changes in any important files. So good for
>them. If a tree falls in the forest, and there is nobody there to
>hear it.....

Ever hear of industrial spies?
You have no trade secrets?
Your client data is not private?

>We once had a "staff sysadmin". We also once had a "security manager".
>They left sometime ago after turning our tools into rocks. They were
>never replaced.

Ever think your tools were bad? or perhaps mis-used? You better put
these on an isolated network.

Damm good thing I have no stock in your company; if I had, I wouldn't
Jesse I Pollard, II

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