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SubjectRe: warp speed not good.
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Today, Vojtech Pavlik, spilled the beans:

VP> On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 08:15:44PM -0500, Marques Johansson wrote:
MJ> The joystick module may hold a candle to all of this:
MJ> Dec 16 18:23:09 fall kernel: js: Measured PIT speed is 43.268 MHz, but should be 1.193 MHz.
MJ> Dec 16 18:23:09 fall kernel: js: This is probably caused by wrong BogoMIPS value. It is: 333, should be: 1249.
MJ> Dec 16 18:23:09 fall kernel: js: Version 1.2.13 using 333 MHz RDTSC timer.
MJ> (btw: my system is a 333mhz celeron)
MJ> My uptime, date, usleep, and rtctest (included in
MJ> linux/Documentation/rtc.txt) all operate correctly.
MJ> Netscape will give me a javascript popup on my bank's website after a few
MJ> seconds telling me that my connection has gone idle for more than five
MJ> minutes and i will be disconnected.
MJ> XFree screen blanks whenever the mouse or keyboard is not in use (very
MJ> annoying).
VP> Well, the answer seems to be simple - your ISA clock (the 14 MHz one)
VP> has gone wild, this is a hardware problem.

Vojtech: see my other post if you still can titled: "warp speed still not
good", there were some extra tidbits of information provided in there.

The problem with that theory is that older kernels, say 2.3.26 don't give
me this problem... the system time is always correct and even if i keep
running hwclock i see no big deviation in system and hardware time.

most programs work correctly, however some that i have noticed: netscape
(javascript), lftp (download time stats), XFree (Screen Blanking) operate
far too quickly (weeks in minutes). I have tried this with both 2.3.33
and 2.3.29 and have found them both too give the problems..

I have noticed also, that the start of the problem is seemingly sparatic.
I can boot the system up now and not get any indications of time moving
too quickly, but once a certain program or event is triggered it
begins. last time it was a screen blank; i moved my mouse too wake it
up and it started. funny thing is, it had been blank all night with no
problems, not even when i woke it up that morning.

Currently I am still running 2.3.33 which I have seen the problem with
before. I have been up for 1 day 1:28, and the event has seemingly not
been triggered (although my computer usage has been minimal)... prior to
my rebooting however, the system was playing the time game.

Have there been any major time changes recently?
Marques Johansson

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