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SubjectAMI BIOS setting for PCI0/PCI1 communications
Hi Folks -

I use a Tyan Tiger 100 dual Pentium II system with linux kernel 2.3.34. So far
no problems at all and am quite happy. I have noticed though that my bios has
a setting where I can allow communication between the PCI0 and PCI1 bus.
Presumably this is related to the two cpu's in the system. In any event the
manual says the default optimal setting is to disable this feature. When I
enable the feature just before the system boots I can see two messages coming up
that say something about microcode 0 - OK and microcode -1 ok. I believe the
microcode is what convers the x86 instructions to uops for the Pentium II core
so I am not really that concerned with this. In terms of performance is it
better for SMP linux to allow the communication between the two pci buses on the
system? Conversely, will it help more if I disable the communications between
the two PCI buses?


Juan Casero

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