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SubjectRe: Lockmetering for 2.3.29
[ sorry for the very late reply but I am been overloaded ]

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Peter Rival wrote:

>it (correct me if I paraphrased wrong :). If there are no violent
>objections, I'd like to change this in the base tree as soon as possible
>so that it gets as much soak time as we can before 2.4 is a reality.

In general it's always safe and a bit more performant to remove it.

But on alpha we don't have an NMI watchdog so it would be better to left
them enabled at least until the 2.4.x branch will take place... Is it
possible to generate real NMI on alpha? I think it would be possible to
use the RTC to emulate an nmi changing __cli() to raise the masking of
irqs to 6.

About the kernel debugging tools I want to make the IKD stuff running on
alpha too (as first kernel tracer and then memleak detector). kdb port
will be not trivial, I'll start hacking with:

mv linux/arch/i386/kdb linux/

Anyway if you want to have a look at the latest IKD patch it's here:



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