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SubjectRe: [Fwd: Dual Celery on BP6]
Mike Frisch wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Harold Oga wrote:
> > One thing I noticed on my BP6 system with dual 400's was that with a 250W
> > power supply I would get lots of APIC errors even at 66MHz and my I/O voltage
> > would fluctuate as much as 15%. Once I replaced it with a 300W power supply,
> > the voltage smoothed out, and I noticed that I rarely, if ever get APIC errors
> > at 66MHz anymore. Another thing to consider anyways.
> I am now hearing similar things with respect to power supply issues. Is
> it possible that the larger power supply is providing cleaner power which
> is improving the situation. While I have not checked the actual power
> usage requirements of the BP6 with it running two CPUs at 100MHz FSB, I
> have a difficult time believing that (A) the combination needs more than a
> 250W power supply in the average machine, and (B) an increase of a mere
> 50W improves the situation.
> Unfortunately, I am not an expert on motherboard design, nor on SMP in
> general. I do not have the facilities to test or confirm any of these
> findings. I have left that to others, but it appears they're a rare
> breed. It sure would be nice if ABit could do something to help us out
> and answer some questions.
> All I know is that I started to worry when I first noticed these APIC
> error messages in the log in 2.3.18 (or thereabouts).
Last night I went through all the bus speeds up to 94 to see when and
how often the messages appear.((my case has extra cooling +300w ps)I was
not aware of them till I read about them on the list.)) My setup is
2x400 Celerons with BP6NJ bios. Up to a bus speed of 82 I had
absolutelly no errors then they started at 83 sporadiclly becoming
commonplace at 94Mhz My cpus seemed to work fine up to that point so I
cut the test off there. I would have to conclude cooling + ps size and
overclocking are all a factor in this.
At normal speeds up to 75Hmz with adequate cooling I don't see this as
being a problem. The reason I aborted at 94Mhz is that any voltage
change above 2.05v saw the temperature rise dramaticlly(over 100
degrees)so for all pratical purposes I would say I was at the chips

Conclusion: Errors are hardware related.

Ted Sikora
Jtl Development Group

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