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Subject[RFC] Problem with Linux capabilities support

Earlier this week I posted about writing a program called
scap which would allow you allow users to access certain
capabilities. Little did I know that it would be impossible
at the current time.

For a program like scap to give capabilities to normal users,
it would need to have the privalegdes to add bits to the
permitted set. At the moment this can only be done by marking
the executable setuid root or hacking it to get CAP_SETPCAP
priviledges and other rights.

The problem is that this obliterates the previous capabilities
set. Once scap has started running, it no longer knows which
capabilites the user already had active. At the moment I get
around this by taking the capability set from the parent and
working from that. But that is bad.

The second problem is that if scap is run setuid, at some stage
it has to switch back to the previous uid, at which stage all
the capabilites are cleared and your work is undone. I know that
this is for compatability for userspace that does not know
about capabilities, but it makes it also somewhat useless until
the whole of userspace is ready. Surely we can do better than

The first thing that popped into my head was to define a
CAP_ENLIGHTEND which can be set but not inherited. When set
it would prevent uid changes from modifying the capabilities
sets. When user space is ready, you can simply #define it to

How does Irix handle this? Or does it also require all userspace
programs be capabilities aware?



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