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SubjectRe: Ouch! Powerleap adaptors, Celeron 466's with no Cache
Sorry, some clarifications.

# > Powerleap says that there is a way to activate the L2 cache on
# > the Celerons. In fact they have a CPU Control Panel software for this
# > purpose, but it is only for use with Windows. Can someone tell me how
# > this L2 cache activation might be effected in Linux? THANKS ...
# first of all, what makes you think your systems don't have L2 activated?
# afaik, they boot up in all-active mode. you could tell mainly by observing
# performance: without L2, all modern processors are deadly slow.

But it *IS* deadly slow. A kernel compile took some 30 minutes, about
what it did on a Pentium 133. Celeron 300A's (not overclocked, but in
a SCSI system) takes about 4 minutes, with the same board and the old
PPro200/512's about 5 minutes. With PII/400's a little < 3 mins., so...

The other thing that made me uneasy was that there is line in phoenix
BIOS bootup process which says `Processor Patch failed'. But that's
all that seemed unusual ...

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