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SubjectRe: Dual Celery on BP6
These APIC problems happen when the board runs a bit hot.  And no, the
sensors won't show this because it is the chip with the green heatsink
that overheats, and the board temp sensor is somewhere else.

A high bus clock (more than 66MHz)
is usually the problem, even if the processors themselves aren't

I have seen a report about how the problem disappeared when the owner
replaced the green heatsink with an extra cpu fan. He also found that
the green sink didn't work too well, it was poorly mounted on the chip.

So I recommend a cooling fan or at least some thermal compound under the
green thing. And good air circulation through the case and a cool room.

I see a lot more of these errors when the machine runs hot than when
it runs cold. Nothing bad seems to happen though.

Helge Hafting

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