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SubjectRe: [Fwd: Dual Celery on BP6]
On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Ted Sikora wrote:

> No. All original... your case design may be a factor. I have an Enlight

Most definitely... I have a small case (by choice) and no auxilliary fans
(aside from the CPU fans and the powers upply fan). I am going back to a
single, non-overclocked CPU in an effort to keep ambient noise down.

> Very possible but if it gets errors at 66Mhz I would say the chip is out
> of spec. From experience I would say *every* Celeron should clock at
> 75Mhz effortlessly, error free. The 400 being the best for higher
> speeds. Intels design spec is pretty much maxed out at 450 for the
> Celeron I was told.

It also should be noted again that the AGPset is easily capable of 100MHz
FSB as it is part of the BX chipset. Why it's presenting a problem on the
BP6 is beyond me.

> *100Mhz* I was a little dissappointed today. I opened a package
> we got yesterday assuming the new 100FSB Celerons were there. Our
> distributor put them on the order sheet so I ordered a few assuming they
> were out. Thats the only place they exist I guess... the order sheet. I
> guess were all stuck with 300A and 366A's for 100FSB once again.

I have heard nothing about 'official' 100MHz FSB Celerons. Are you
referring to the Coppermine chips?


Mike Frisch Email:
Northstar Technologies WWW:
Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA

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