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SubjectRe: [Fwd: Dual Celery on BP6]
Mike Frisch wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Ted Sikora wrote:
> > The errors are definitely produced by overclocking! I stepped the cpu
> > down to 78Mhz and all errors disappeared. The new 100Mhz Celerons also
> > ran fine
> > but anything over 100Mhz the errors appeared as I anticipated.
> Out of curiousity, are you using extra cooling on the AGPset?

No. All original... your case design may be a factor. I have an Enlight
with 2 other fans besides the ps/fan. 1 front mounted pulling air in and
1 larger one at the back even with the ps.(You can feel a strong flow
from front to back over the video card and out almost even with the
cpu's.) I have the original Intel fans that came in the retail packages.
I meant to change them but @2.05v the average temp is 85-89degrees and
the internal system temp is usually 5 degrees cooler. At 2.10v the
temperature immediately jumps over 100 degrees. The Enlight case is also
much longer than normal. The BP6 fit with room to spare.

If not, is
> it possible that the heatsink on this chip is simply too small and that
> heat is, in fact, the problem?
Very possible but if it gets errors at 66Mhz I would say the chip is out
of spec. From experience I would say *every* Celeron should clock at
75Mhz effortlessly, error free. The 400 being the best for higher
speeds. Intels design spec is pretty much maxed out at 450 for the
Celeron I was told.

*100Mhz* I was a little dissappointed today. I opened a package
we got yesterday assuming the new 100FSB Celerons were there. Our
distributor put them on the order sheet so I ordered a few assuming they
were out. Thats the only place they exist I guess... the order sheet. I
guess were all stuck with 300A and 366A's for 100FSB once again.


Ted Sikora
Jtl Development Group

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