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SubjectIDE and isapnp
Is there any word on when the IDE driver will support isapnp?

I happen to have a i486 with 3 PnP devices (modem, nic and sb vibra16). My
problem is that the BIOS has no idea about PnP. At the moment, I have to
rely on a DOS PnP driver to set everything up then use loadlin to boot
Linux. I am also using the IDE port on the sb for my /usr, /home, and for
my CDROM, which means I need the IDE driver to be able to find that IDE
channel. I would love to be able to ditch the last remnant of M$ on this

I tried booting 2.3.33 with isapnp configured but it wouldn't recognize
the IDE channel (or the sb for that matter). That, of course, rendered the
system unusable since /usr was not available.

William Astle
"Floppity, floppity, flip / The mouse on the mobius strip; / The strip
revolved, / The mouse dissolved / In a chronodimensional skip."

Version: 3.12
GCS/M/S d- s+:+ !a C++ UL++++$ P++ L+++ !E W++ !N w--- !O !M PS PE V-- Y+
PGP t+@ 5++ X !R tv+@ b+++@ !DI D? G e++ h+ y?

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