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SubjectRe: (corrected) Re: [patch-2.3.33] memory size on proliant/1600
In article <>,
Tigran Aivazian <tigran@sco.COM> wrote:
>Hi Nathan and David,
>I don't know who to give credit to but since you guys work on E820 I thank
>you both - 2.3.34-pre1 works fine on this Proliant/1600 - this part of
>your fix:

I'd give the credit to Nathan; it's not his code, but he mentioned
the addr->pfn stuff to me, and if you saw it in my patch it's because
of that.

>+ start = PFN_UP([i].addr);
>+ end = PFN_DOWN([i].addr +[i].size);
>+ if (start >= end)
>+ continue;
>did the trick cleaner than my earlier suggestion.

Nathan and I are both beating away at the memory detect stuff (well,
I am; his patchsuite covers a lot of ground and I'm simply merging
the parts of his patch that overlaps my memory detection code) and
I think that we might have an Even Better Mousetrap as soon as I can
get 2.3.33 to actually load on the Ppro200 I'm building it on today :-(

david parsons \bi/ Not 2.3.33 + memory patches. No. 2.3.33 by itself,
\/ with gcc and binutils Sigh.

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