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SubjectCopying binary code?
A good trick with __initdata is to have a bunch of data, and then copy
only what you need into dynamic kernel memory. PCI names does this.

I want to do the same thing with code: copy the code I want into
dynamic memory on a function-by-function basis. Is there a preferred

Presuming function dependencies are correct, a possible solution might
be to compile any code which might be dynamic copied with -fPIC, and
then set up the copy and call on that basis. That is somewhat messy, I
am almost surely missing a more elegant solution.

If you are wondering "why", I want to drop all support code for chipsets
which are not detected by drive probe (which is substantial in some
cases). Or in other words, have drivers re-link themselves at runtime,
freeing unwanted code :)

Though I guess __init and this sort of hackery becomes less important in
a hot-plug device world.

Thanks much,


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