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SubjectLinux + SMP
Hi Linux kernel hackers.

I have a small paper to do for friday about Linux and SMP and I have
only a few questions that I found few information in the Web (even searching the
linux kernel mailing list archives).

If anyone can answer some questions about Linux and SMP I will be very

1) When Linux kernel begins to support SMP (what version)? and How many
processors and types of machines it supported in the beggining?

2) What support Linux 2.2.* (stable versions) provides about SMP?

3) What are the main routines and functions in Linux 2.2.* that provide
support for SMP?

4) What support Linux 2.3.* (unstable versions) provides about SMP?

5) What are the main modifications (routines and implementations) in
2.3.* that provide new levels of support for SMP against 2.2.*

6) How SMP implementation of Linux 2.2.* compares againts NT or FreeBSD?

7) How SMP implementation of Linux 2.3.* compares againts NT or FreeBSD?

Thanks for so great kernel that I use everyday to power my home machines
and about (20) work machines ranging from 386 until Pentium and Sparcs.

Thanks for any help, Paulo Henrique

Abraços, PH
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira --
Information Technology Consultant
Linux Solutions --
Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

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