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SubjectRe: [linux-fbdev] Multihead
On Sat, Dec 11, 1999 at 11:42:55PM -0800, Brad Midgley wrote:

> i have been thinking about this and everything is straightforward with
> multihead except event delegation -- your question is one of the trivial
> cases but there are more. is the flexibility being addressed in the input
> system rewrite or does it need to be worked out elsewhere?

The input part of the input patches just exports functions to register
an event handler (there can be multiple handlers for one device), and
to pass events back and forth. So, it has all the flexibility needed.

The console part of the input patches also tries to solve event
delegation, including console switching with more than one keyboard
and such, but you should ask Martin Mares <> about what
exactly it does, because he has written this part.

Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs

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