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SubjectRe: [linux-fbdev] Multihead
i have been thinking about this and everything is straightforward with
multihead except event delegation -- your question is one of the trivial
cases but there are more. is the flexibility being addressed in the input
system rewrite or does it need to be worked out elsewhere?

for the simple stuff, once you decide how many foreground consoles will be
active, you could assign each display to correspond to one foreground
console (more than one display could refer to the same one).

virtual console/display/foreground console assignment

ggi-console got very complex in trying to do everything you'd ever want
with event dispatch.

the old ggi-console illustrated

> Thats very true. You could also have several fbdev and only one
> keyboard. What do you in this case? This will have to be discussed in
> detail.

Brad |

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