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SubjectRe: Portable binary modules
> How about mechanisms which tag the variant in the module directory?
> E.g., make it possible to keep both the SMP version and the UP version
> around without doing manual labour when switching kernels. The
> information could be kept in either the directory name or the file
> name. I favour the former, because its easier to make it fall back on
> the old directory if the specific directory doesn't exist.

> The big question is: What _are_ the variables? I know of:

> 386/486/586/586TSC/686/K7
> old gcc/new gcc

well, in this case, you can simply modify your early boot scripts (eg. rc.S)
to link /lib/modules/`uname -r` to /lib/modules/`uname-r`-something, where
'something' is determined from some information grabbed in /proc
(/proc/version ?) or anything that can give you enough knowledge about
your running kernel.

This is clearly realizable and doesn't need any changes to modutils.
To install the modules at the right place, set the environment variable
INSTALL_MOD_PATH to the proper directory before you do a
'make modules_install'


Willy Tarreau - -

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