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SubjectRe: toplevel Makefile bug and simple fix

>split-include.c is a normal C program which does not use or know about
>any kernel facilities. You ought to be able to compile it on any Unix
>system with an ISO/ANSI standard C compiler (not even a Linux system).
Yes, I know.... Sounds like you might have missed part of the thread...

>If you are having problems compiling split-include, then you probably
>have problems compiling any C programs that use normal C library
>facilities. split-include just happens to be the first one you see.
I know this also... I'm just trying to be pragmatic as opposed purist...
I believe that sometimes there are exceptions.. If you read back through
the rest of the thread you'll see that my gripe is with the fact that if
you just want to do a simple kernel compile you pretty much have to keep
your source in /usr/src/linux (or have /usr/src/linux symlink to where they
are) in order for the header files that the "helper programs" use to find
the correct kernel header files... There's no guarantees that they won't
ever change.. In my hobbiest environment at home.. Yeah, who cares... As
long as I can get it to build.. But in a commercial environment it is seen
as a big deal...

>This question comes up frequently, and I've written a patch with an
>explicit scripts/hostcc-test.c test. I'm sending the patch to
>linux-kbuild for feedback.
I'll try to take a look...


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