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SubjectRe: Modular vs. Monolithic kernel builds.
Riley wrote thusly:

>is also compiled as a module and not loaded. Also put the following
>entry in /etc/fstab to allow non-root to mount a certain partition...
> /dev/hdd4 /zip auto noauto,default,user
>...and put a vfat disk in the zipdrive in question, and ensure the
>directory /zip actually exists.
>Finally, put yourself in the seat of the user wishing to mount the
>said partition. They can't mount it, not because they don't have the
>necessary permissions (they have those) but because the vfat module
>isn't already in memory and with the above settings kmod never gets
>asked to load it.

I would somehow suppose that autofs is flexible enough that you can
solve this kinda things with it, by using executable maps which can
try and mount with several different filesystem types until the
mount succeedes or ultimately fails. Explicit fs type specification
should load the proper module AFAIK. The actual autofs configuration
for this treat is left as an excercise for the reader.


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