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SubjectNeed info on serial port programming

we are doing a project where we have a D/A chip connected to the serial
port of a PC running Linux. The D/A chip will be a LTC1090 with some logic
around it (the communication protocol hasn't been fixed yet so I don't yet
know exactly how the data is going to come and what we need to perform -
this will be somewhat dependant on how we can access the serial port). If
possible, we hope to achieve some kHz (4..5) of sampling rate this way (8
bit, mono). Less would be a pity, but not unusable.

I expect we can do this in userspace (without root access) entirely (I
certainly hope so, because our time table doesn't allow for a kernel
hacking tutorial). What I am looking for is

a) someone who has already done this and can perhaps tell me about

b) information about accessing the serial port (I have found the
Serial-Programming-HOWTO, I am looking for more)

c) help in convincing a colleague of mine NOT to do it in Java ;)
(he appears to have found a class library for serial port access on
Sun's servers and thinks it's the best since sliced bread)

I'd be really happy if someone could hold my hand in this - you can also
reply in German if you want :)

_ciao, Jens_______________________________

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