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SubjectRe: Atyfb on i386 (88800GX-D)
On  6 Nov 99 at 04:07, John R Lenton wrote:
> I tried to use the atyfb on my Mach64, and came across the
> `atyfb: Unknown mach64 0xffff' thing that I have since come
> across in various places in the kernel archives, dating back to
> atyfb: mach64GX (ATI888GX00) [0x00d7 rev 0x01] 2M DRAM, 14.31818 MHz XTAL, 135 MHz PLL, 50 Mhz MCLK
> Have any of the people who previously reported problems
> with this driver been able to find a solution? If so,
> is this documented anywhere? Should I have known?
There is list. You may want to subscribe/ask
> Is there any reason for this driver to have fallen into
> such disrepair? Here is a problem dating back nearly a
> year, with a solution apparently at hand, several people
> reporting it, requesting (pretty please) a fix, offering
> themselves as alphatesters, and suggesting (nicely) that
> documentation would be a Very Good Thing. In fact, it's
> been around so long that the videocard is totally
> outdated, witness is the fact I have it...
Old 88800GX boards are powered on with disabled MMIO and this MMIO cannot
be enabled through PCI, but must be enabled through io port 0x6AEC (and
this effectively disables multihead). Another problem is that there
are couple of DACs on these ATIs and driver supports only two of them -
- IBM RGB 514 and ATI 68860 B...
So unplug card from computer and look at it. If you'll find 'CH8398' on
the board, try patch (as path indicates,
it is for kernel 2.3.5. I throwed device away after that and replaced
it with yet another matrox). It worked for me in the intel box...
Best regards,
Petr Vandrovec

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