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SubjectRe: LOTS OF BAD STUFF in raid0: raid0145-19990824-2.2.11 is unstable

> it's 99.99% a problem with the disk. The RAID0 code has not had any
> significant changes (due to it's simplicity) in the last couple of years.
> We never rule out software bugs, but this is one of those cases where it's
> way, way down in the list of potential problem sources.
> -- mingo

So all of the 'attempt to access beyond end of device' errors reported
over the last 6 months, both RAID and standard kernel are all chalked up
to hardware failure? I mean, that's what this is. It just hits the RAID0
request layer BEFORE the standard check that generates the 'attempt...'
error. I believe there is a bug lurking, because people keep reporting
the 'attempt...' error, and this is that exact problem, it just hits a
different place.

My $.02 (and very little kernel hacking exp :-( ) make me believe there is
still one bug in the buffer-cache code (generic kernel) that causes this,
but thanks for the feedback. I'll shut-up now.


| David Mansfield |
| |

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