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On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Doug Ledford wrote:

> > > Well, I've never gotten a single SCSI error from the controller... not to
> > > mention that the block being requested is WAY beyond the end of the
> > > device. If this wasn't a RAID device, this would be one of the 'Attempt
> > > to access beyond end of device' errors that non-raid users have reported
> > > many times for the 2.2 series kernels.
> > >
> > > I have also gotten the error when not under any load, about once a month
> > > or so, but never with the alarming frequency of last night!
> >
> > it's 99.99% a problem with the disk. The RAID0 code has not had any
> > significant changes (due to it's simplicity) in the last couple of years.
> > We never rule out software bugs, but this is one of those cases where it's
> > way, way down in the list of potential problem sources.
> OK, since this raid is on an U2W card, then my current patch set might help.
> There was a bug in some U2W hardware that was found by Justin Gibbs (sorry, I
> don't have the tools to be able to identify some of these types of bugs) where
> a bit on the cards DFSTATUS register was getting set early. It would correct
> itself within 5 cycles, so the fix was to test the bit 5 times and see if it
> *still* was set. That would catch the glitch. Go figure.....
> Anyway, I'm attached a test patch for you to try out. If it fixes your
> problem then it's a likely candidate as the final 5.1.21 driver patch.

I'm now running a patched 2.2.13 kernel with this patch (plus Andrea's
ext2 race patch from a week ago, and the raid0145 patch). I also replaced
one of the drives in the array, based practially on a guess.

The system has only been up 24 hours, but has withstood some high load,
with no recurrence of the problem.

I wish I had done these changes in a more controlled way (one at a time)
so as to verify that one of them has made a difference, but I needed
stable and these three fixes (the U2W patch, the ext2 race patch, and the
disk replocement) all seemed only likely to increase my changes.

Thanks for your help, I'll let you know if anything else surfaces.


| David Mansfield |
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