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Subject[PROBLEM] fbcon scrolling oops
Today Linux 2.2.12 oopsed on me and made console unusable while I ran
mc, looking at a file in console (framebuffer) and scrolling through.
This is not a thing I rarely do, so I don't know how to reproduce it,
sorry. Compiler is gcc

This system is my development/test system for FireWire and I crashed
the machine hard just a minute before, but this oops happened after a
reboot with no modules and absolutely none of my code yet loaded.
Magic SysRq still worked and allowed me to remount r/o and sync, but I
wasn't able to change consoles. gpm also still worked, and the oops
was properly saved in syslog.

The system is a K6/233 with 96MB RAM and running on SCSI. Graphics
provided by Mach64 card, fbcon driver used is VESA.

ksymoops 0.7c on i586 2.2.12. Options used
-V (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-L (specified)
-O (specified)
-m /boot/ (default)

Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address c6c00000
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 037d8000, %cr3 = 037d8000
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: *pde = 05fdc063
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: Oops: 0002
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: CPU: 0
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c01d065f>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: eax: 00000000 ebx: 00054000 ecx: 0002c000 edx: 00000000
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: esi: 00000400 edi: c6c00000 ebp: 00000150 esp: c3743dfc
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: Process mc (pid: 296, process nr: 42, stackpage=c3743000)
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: Stack: c03497fc 00000015 c6bd8000 00000000 c0245100 c01cd330 c03497fc c0252db0
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: 000000f6 00000000 00000015 00000080 c03497fc c0252db0 00000005 00000003
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: 00000a80 00000000 0000004d 00000002 00000015 00000005 00000000 00000000
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: Call Trace: [<c6bd8000>] [<c01cd330>] [<c017fc5c>] [<c0182035>] [<c0182120>] [<c01832b5>] [<c018075f>]
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: [<c0183c21>] [<c0180000>] [<c018420f>] [<c018b872>] [<c01877f5>] [<c0187698>] [<c018b71c>] [<c01232c7>]
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: [<c0107a6c>]
Nov 5 02:02:50 storm kernel: Code: f3 aa 01 74 24 10 89 54 24 14 4a 83 7c 24 14 00 7f e3 5b 5e

>>EIP; c01d065f <fbcon_cfb8_clear+9b/ec> <=====
Trace; c6bd8000 <END_OF_CODE+6980e38/????>
Trace; c01cd330 <fbcon_scroll+55c/9cc>
Trace; c017fc5c <scrup+74/10c>
Trace; c0182035 <delete_line+25/38>
Trace; c0182120 <csi_M+30/38>
Trace; c01832b5 <do_con_trol+d11/10e8>
Trace; c018075f <hide_cursor+7b/80>
Trace; c0183c21 <do_con_write+595/608>
Trace; c0180000 <build_attr+90/114>
Trace; c018420f <con_write+1b/2c>
Trace; c018b872 <write_chan+156/1d4>
Trace; c01877f5 <tty_write+15d/1cc>
Trace; c0187698 <tty_write+0/1cc>
Trace; c018b71c <write_chan+0/1d4>
Trace; c01232c7 <sys_write+c3/ec>
Trace; c0107a6c <system_call+34/38>
Code; c01d065f <fbcon_cfb8_clear+9b/ec> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c01d065f <fbcon_cfb8_clear+9b/ec> 0: f3 aa repz stosb %al,%es:(%edi) <=====
Code; c01d0661 <fbcon_cfb8_clear+9d/ec> 2: 01 74 24 10 addl %esi,0x10(%esp,1)
Code; c01d0665 <fbcon_cfb8_clear+a1/ec> 6: 89 54 24 14 movl %edx,0x14(%esp,1)
Code; c01d0669 <fbcon_cfb8_clear+a5/ec> a: 4a decl %edx
Code; c01d066a <fbcon_cfb8_clear+a6/ec> b: 83 7c 24 14 00 cmpl $0x0,0x14(%esp,1)
Code; c01d066f <fbcon_cfb8_clear+ab/ec> 10: 7f e3 jg fffffff5 <_EIP+0xfffffff5> c01d0654 <fbcon_cfb8_clear+90/ec>
Code; c01d0671 <fbcon_cfb8_clear+ad/ec> 12: 5b popl %ebx
Code; c01d0672 <fbcon_cfb8_clear+ae/ec> 13: 5e popl %esi

Andreas E. Bombe <>
RSA 0x886663c9 30 EC 09 73 84 7B 55 83 C4 7A 91 D9 9D C5 4B B0
DSA 0x04880A44 72E5 7031 4414 2EB6 F6B4 4CBD 1181 7032 0488 0A44

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