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Subjectbackground colors on console

I hope this question makes since to someone. We have a custom application
that uses what we have been calling high intensity background colors.
It's what in DOS happens when you turn off blink mode. Another example of
where it works is if you use Powerterm in vt420 mode, you can achieve
these colors by turning off blink. The line that would be blinking in our
app then becomes a more defined color.

Anyways, I'd like to use linux boxs as the dumb terminal to this
application (which also runs on a linux box), however I can't seem to make
high intensity background colors work on the linux console. Does anyone
know what I'm talking about? I can post the color sequences I do know
about as well as where these sequences would be on a relisys tube for
comparison if that would help.

Thanks for any assistance!

Jon Mitchell
Systems Engineer, Subject Wills and Company

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