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SubjectRe: [patch-2.3.21] UnixWare BFS support.
I wrote two weeks ago:

> So we have three versions [of bfs] right now:

> Martin Hinner's at .
> Mine at .
> Tigran's - see above.

> I'll compare one of these days and report.

Now that 2.3.25 is out and contains Tigran's bfs I suppose there
is no point in a detailed comparison. Roughly speaking they are
very similar (just modified versions of minixfs or romfs).
The first implementation has a small flaw (easily fixed) in the
handling of empty files. I am not aware of any flaw in the second one.
Tigran says that the third one was written with the SCO source
at hand - this worries me a little, but apparently Linus sees
no objection.


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