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SubjectBuggy messages?

I wonder if I can find out why these message appears in my DMESG file?
What causes this and how do we get rid of it?

protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax3
protocol 0000 is buggy, dev ax4

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