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SubjectPCI order

I recently did some hardware switching in my house and need to know
how to switch the detection of the aic7xxx controllers in the kernel. I've
got a 7880 on the motherboard and a 2940u2w in there but the motherboard
card only has a 68 pin connector. The bios detects the 2940u2w first but
Linux reverses it so the 7880 is done first. With 2.3.12 I can use
"aic7xxx=reverse_scan" but that doesn't seem to do anything on 2.3.29. I've
tried "pci=reverse" but that also didn't seem to have an effect. Is there
another argument I should pass to the kernel or am I going to have to try
hard coding it?


Matthew Harrell Programmer - a red-eyed mumbling
Bit Twiddlers, Inc. mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects.

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