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Subjectdst cache overflow on 2.2.12 SMP

I have encountered dst cache overflow errors yesterday, the network
traffic has slowed down, pinging the machine would result in lost
packets. Here is a part of system log:

Nov 25 15:40:37 www kernel: NET: 510 messages suppressed.
Nov 25 15:40:37 www kernel: dst cache overflow
Nov 25 15:40:42 www kernel: NET: 399 messages suppressed.
Nov 25 15:40:42 www kernel: dst cache overflow
Nov 25 15:40:47 www kernel: NET: 375 messages suppressed.
Nov 25 15:40:47 www kernel: dst cache overflow
Nov 25 15:40:52 www kernel: NET: 253 messages suppressed.
Nov 25 15:40:52 www kernel: dst cache overflow

After restarting apache and mySQL the machine seemed to catch up again,
with only a few occasional dst overflow messages.

the kernel is 2.2.12 SMP compiled with gcc version egcs-2.91.66
19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

the machine is 2 x PIII Xeon/500MHz with 512 MB RAM,
ethernet controller: Intel 82557 (rev 8)
scsi: NCR 53c896 (rev 1) and NCR 53c810 (rev 35)

this machine is used as www/SQL server (intensive disk I/O and network

I have noticed several other messages describing the same problem posted
to this list on various kernels (2.2.5 and 2.3.15, 2.3.19), some
resulting in kernel panic - is there any solution?


David Haring

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