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SubjectDMA problem after upgrade
Hello all,

I am not sure this is a kernel problem, but I have not heard of anything
else causing these symptoms. I have had my Linux system running on the same
setup for a while without any problems. Now since the addition of new
hardware I have had problems with sound and cpu load.


AMD-k62 300Mhz
64MB of RAM
Linux kernel 2.2.13
Voodoo3 2000 PCI (replaced a 2MB Trident card)
Onboard ISA PNP SoundBlaster 16 compatible
X 3.3.5

When the sound module is installed this is the message it logs:

Nov 20 08:23:22 peabrain kernel: SB 4.13 detected OK (220)
Nov 20 08:23:22 peabrain kernel: sb: Interrupt test on IRQ5 failed -
Probable IRQ conflict

The sound works, but it is patchy and the CPU utilization hovers at over 3%
even when the computer is mostly idle (normal CPU was under 1% when mostly
idle before upgrade)

If anyone could help me troubleshoot this, I would be grateful

Thanks in advance,


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