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Subjectbug: Audio CD "logical block address out of range".
This is 100% reproducible on my Toshiba 410CDT laptop with stock redhat
6.1 installed, using cdparanoia to rip track 11 of the CD "An evening
Wasted with Tom Lehrer". Near the end of the track (which is the last
track on the CD), the hard drive suddenly starts grinding very loudly,
and the text console spits out an endless stream of the following error:

hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: packet command error: error=0x52
Error: Illegal Request -- (Sense key=0x05)
Logical block address out of range -- (asc=0x21, ascq=0x00)
The failed "<NULL>" packet command was:
"be 04 00 02 e9 69 00 00 08 f8 00 00 "

/dev/hdc is the CDROM, /dev/hda is the hard drive.

According to "cdparanoia -Q", track 11 starts at sector 166080 and
continues for 24783 sectors. The rip attempt goes nuts around 190768,
although if I give cdparanoia the "retry forever" option it will
occasionally get another good sector about every five minutes (spitting
out the above message to the text console several times per second the
whole time).

It seems like the excessive hard drive activity is interfering with the
CD activity, causing it to timeout. (I know the little .oO0Oo. throbber
pauses a lot.) It doesn't SEEM to be swapping (top says I still have
about a meg left, and the swap used size doesn't change at all, before
or after the drive starts grinding), and it doesn't SOUND like swapping
(more like the a hard drive unit reset you get at bootup: lots of
seeking all around the disk, sounding a bit like a woodpecker).

Known bug? Helpful? I'm only missing the last second or so of the rip,
but it's always refreshing to find an easily reproducable bug. Email me
direct if you need more info or want me to run some other test, I read
the kernel digest but tend to be a couple days behind.

I'd try playing track 11 as straight audio if I could figure out how to
get the sound card working. (Red Hat's sndconfig can't find it, and
toshiba's web page just says "we tested it and it works" without saying
HOW. Nice of them. I'm working on it in my Copious Free Time (tm)...)


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