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SubjectRe: Ext2 defragmentation
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 11:20:20 -0600 (CST)

I don't suppose using a "magic number" head and tail on the superblock
is a viable option here? Say 4 bytes at the head and tail of the
superblock that would allow for a search for a valid superblock.

There is a magic number (only one) on the superblock already, and that
is used by e2fsck to search for the primary superblock. It's not used
by e2fsck to automatically search from the backup superblock under all
cases, but that's something that I've been thinking of adding. It's
already the case that if the block group descriptors are compromised,
e2fsck will automatically go to backup superblocks, since it can use the
information in the primary superblock to find the backup superblocks and
block group descriptors. What's currently missing today is the code
which searches for the backup superblock if the primary superblock isn't
there to give a hint.

- Ted

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