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SubjectExt2 defragmentation
Linux Community;

How necessary is it to defragment ones ext2 partitions? It just hit me
that defragmentation is very important under the Wintendo filesystem. I've
found the program e2defrag which is just a small hack done to defrag
(Stephen C. Tweedie) to make it work under the 2.2 kernel. The problem is
that in the README-0.71 it says:

"I have NOT tested this yet, all I know is it compiles
and *should* work, but I am not making any gurantees,
so DO NOT use this on any filesystems with important
data that you have not backed up. It would perobably
even be a good idea to test this on a dummy filesystem

Finally, I did make it compile on 2.2.x, but I just
know ANSI C, I have not looked over the algorithm to
see how it works, I frankly have no idea, so please
don't email me asking for help with improvements, all
I did was a few minor hacks to make it compile on 2.2.x

I had better also say that this is NOT an official
maintainer release, its just a small hack I did, as
the original maintainers don't seem to be maintaining
this anymore."

And now I wonder; Is it worth the risk, or is the gain so small that one
should'nt bother.

I Have 2 partitions on my HD - one that is 5 Gb and one that is 3 Gb.


P.S How about ext3 - is fragmentation then a memory of the old computer
Mads Martin Jørgensen
Stud. Scient. Dat/Chem

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