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SubjectUSB hub driver
I just tried the USB code for the first time after being away from it for
a while. I have to say, it looks much nicer than it did 6 months ago.

But, to my astonishment, I found that I could modprobe usb-ohci and, while
it would properly load usbcore automatically, it didn't automatically load
the hub driver.

Is there any way to make the hub driver load along with usbcore? I think
I can reconfigure kerneld via /etc/conf.modules to load hub with some
special statements in that file, but is there a better solution?
Realistically, I don't think it's a good idea to allow loading of either
OHCI or UHCI without the hub driver, especially with all the devices which
have hubs in them (perhaps without the end-user knowing about them).

Matt Dharm

Matthew Dharm InterNIC: MDD94
Engineer, Qualcomm, Inc. Cell: (619) 890-6943
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