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Subject4/670MP two Interfaces - System Hang...

I'm running a Sun 4/670MP for a news server under SparcLinux 2.2.13.
It has, until I tried to turn up a second ethernet interface, been completely

I can ifconfig and send traffic over either interface individually fine.
But if I try to ifconfig up both interfaces at once, as soon as I send a ping
over eth1, or any other network traffic, the system hangs with a spin_lock and
often turns the screen to black or almost black on black making it entirely
impossible to read.

The machine has been completely stable with only one interface configed
up. This is a 4 CPU system with 384MB of memory and a SCSI/10-base-T combo
card. Both the built-in SCSI interface and the one on the combo card have been
in use with no stability problems. I can ifconfig eth1 up IF eth0 is down and
pass traffic with no problem. It's only when I try to bring them both up at
once. And then a ping is all it takes.

Is there something I need to specify in the kernel to make multiple
interfaces work?

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