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SubjectSplit the kernel sources
hi folks,

what do you think about splitting the kernel sources ?

i'm fed up with these (>10MB) big-fat kernel sources. i will never
need most of this stuff. so i thought about splitting the kernel
source tree in many small parts:

* base system (main makefiles, include files,...) -
for kernel and for modules compiling without the whole kernel source.

* main kernel
* architecture dependent stuff
* device drivers (splitted in many small packages ...)

i could imagine, we have an base core which is needed for compiling the
or only for modules. (this could be splitted in packages for several

people who only want to compile some drivers need only this package and
the driver package.

the main kernel is located in another package (splitted in
platform-spec. packages)
and then we have many packages for device drivers etc.

the nicest way i think, is when the different packagaes are located in
different subsdirs
of the sourcetree and you only have to extract/copy packages to install
to the root dir
of the kernel sources and run a little script to update the makefiles.

it would be quite easy to maintain if packages are located in own
subdirs. users who
want to have a new driver only have to get the archive (perhaps .tgz),
extract it,
run a little script (e.g. make install_source) and then are able to
compile the new driver,
without patching and such things.

what do you think about it ?

(i would have started it already, but i currently don't know if anybody
would care
about my work - so i ask :) )


lets go to another world ... oberon

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