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SubjectRe: Userspace filesystem implementation for loopback devices only [was CBMFS]
Hans de Goede wrote:
> Thus I've been thinking about something called userspace fs.

Have a look at podfuk, which is exactly that. It provides the vfs from
midnight commander as a filesystem, using the CODA kernel hooks.

> Implement this userspacefs as an nfs-server then we would need no kernel
> mods except for the cd into trick.

I have done some work on that. NFS is yucky -- you can't tell when
someone has finished reading a file, for example. But it's very
widespread so the problem is interesting.

An older version of podfuk used the user space NFS server but apparently
that caused all sort of problems. I think an NFS server designed for
the job addresses most of the problems, but I haven't finished writing
one yet...

-- Jamie

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